Saturday, July 5, 2014

Just Something About Me

I guess I've always been great at talking about myself to others and describing myself online to a fairly wide audience. I always feel bad whenever I sit and talk about myself but in these kind of terms I guess I sort of have to talk about myself. Read on if you'd like to know more about me than my parents probably know (haha, I may or may not be being completely serious).

Heyo, my names is Angelica Vestal. My birthday is on August 5th and I was born in 1997 to my wonderful mom and rad dad. Looks wise I have brown/green eyes, curly hair that's been dyed numerous times, a nose piercing on the right side of my nose and facial acne like every normal teen my age. When I was younger I literally thought that being a stripper was a proper and okay job so I thought I wanted to be a stripper and when people asked what I wanted to be I'd lie and say I wanted to be a firefighter. With that being said I have changed my mind completely and I now want to be a photographer. Not just any kind of photographer though, I want to be a concert photographer. I've been working on my portfolio recently and I guess you could say I'm quite the amateur. My mum spent a whopping $700 for me to get a Nikon D3200 and now that I own it I take pictures literally every single day no matter what I'm doing. In the past few years I've been in and out off about three or four different bands and at this point I've given up on singing in a band and I want to give my all into being a photographer because it's what I love doing the most. I'll post some of my photos in the end of this post because I guess it's fair to show you some of my work, right? In the past few years I've discovered a lot of bands and artists that have changed my life in the best ways I could possibly ask! I remember on my 7th birthday sitting on my living room floor at the break of dawn watching MTV when My Chemical Romance's music video for 'I'm Not Okay (I Promise)' came on and from that very day I remember being stuck like glue to them. When I was around 8 (I'm assuming) I got my very first band tee from my dads ex-wife and it was a My Chemical Romance shirt in a size extra large. Let me just tell you, I SWAM in that shirt for YEARS. I still own it to this very day too. I'm 16 and let me tell you, that shirt has definitely seen its better days but I love it so much. After My Chem I discovered bands like Panic! at The Disco, Fall Out Boy, All American Rejects, Boys Like Girls, you name it I listened to it. At that same time my mom was feeding me into the generic hip hop/pop/rap scene so I was listening to Beyonce, Ciara, Missy Elliot, Ludacris and generic artists like that while my dad on the other hand had me listening to other things. My dad would listen to bands like Metallica, Green Day, Nickleback, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Iron Maiden, the good stuff. Coming from such an intense area of music has taught me that I can learn to love every single genre of music if I put my mind to it.

If you've ever met me in real life you'd know me I'm very open hearted, kind and I'm somewhat a hippy. People used to judge me for being very different but as soon as I got into high school it seems that was what everyone craved and embraced. Individuality and kindness is what everyone loved once I got into high school. Being who I wanted to be got me a lot of friends and shaped me into the person I am today. No matter how much heartbreak and shitty people I've met in my life I always try to keep a positive look on life. I've learned to forgive but never forget and don't EVER give people more than one chance because sometimes, people just don't deserve it. But on the other hand, if you forgive and forget you can get many things back that you couldn't get before. In high school I realized that all I ever wanted to do was be an artist. I didn't know what kind of artist I wanted to be until I thought back to something my uncles wife said to me when I was young. She handed me her beautiful DSLR and let me run around and take pictures and I remember handing it back to her and her just smiling and telling me that I was going to be an amazing photographer when I get older. Now whenever I think of that I just want to thank her so much for that one sentence because without that sentence I wouldn't have even thought of picking up a camera and taking pictures! 

Now that I've gotten a bit carried away with talking about myself, I will actually get into the kind of things you want to know. My favorite colors are blue and green. If I had to pick three of my favorite movies they'd be Labyrinth, Perks of Being a Wallflower and Nightmare Before Christmas. Whenever someone asks me what my favorite band/artist is I could never name one but I could definitely list a few. Those bands would be My Chemical Romance, Lana Del Rey, Fall Out Boy, One Direction, Demi Lovato, Little Mix, Paramore, Metallica, All Time Low and so many more. I've gone to over 25 concerts in a three year span and my first one ever was My Chemical Romance and Blink182 on August 9th 2011 on the Honda Civic Tour. I have so many best friends I couldn't even begin to mention them but I love them all to death. One day I'd like to get rid of my fear and make a YouTube video and try to get popular. I love everyone so easily so I can promise you I could never hate anyone with one look. 

That's pretty much everything about me so now here is some of my photos!

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